25 May 2009

Chloé is back... and as good as new :)

Hi everyone, sorry we've not posted for a few weeks. Chloé had been spayed recently and we've been extra cautious with her but we took her out for a proper walk in the park this weekend and although she got quite tired in the hot sun she loved every minute of it. The spaying went very smoothly, there were no issues and we were amazed how quickly she recovered and was her normal self again... literally the next day.

Quenching the thirst
Chloe at the park

Just chilling...
Chloe at the park

Enjoying a drink
Chloe at the park

Eating the drink tray
Chloe at the park

Chloe at the park

Happy puppy
Chloe at the park

In the park with a new rugby ball
Chloe at the park

Look at my spotty tongue
Chloe at the park

Under the table in the shade at the pub
Chloe at the park


Julia Hutchinson said...

I read your entire blog! Wait? Is this the last one? Please!! More Chloe!

Miss White said...

Thanks for your comments Julia!! We have lots more photos but we're struggling to find time to update the blog at the moment. There will be more though!

Brittany35 said...

Aw she is adorable! I have a puppy named Chloe too but she is much smaller lol!
Check out my blog if you get the chance sometime :)
