30 November 2008

Snowy Chloé!

Chloé went out in the snow for the first time last weekend. She loved it! I really don't remember ever seeing this much snow in the UK in November, I dug out all my snowboarding gear and we went out to play!

Autumn Days

Chloé enjoying the autumn leaves and some rare sun in the park.

Chloé & Bella go for a swim

When Chloé and Bella went down to the lake together Chloé had her first swim, sadly we don't have any photos but you can she's pretty wet!

More High Five

Chloé has really got the High Five now, we're still working on 'play dead' and 'roll over'...

Chloé come!

We took Chloé and Prince to a big field to let them off for the first time, it was quite scary to let her off in such a big space! I ran ahead first and then called her to me, happily she just ran straight over. We did that a couple more times and then decided to finish on a good note!