16 September 2008

The first puppy class

Meeting our classmates

This Springer, Ben I think, is the first puppy Chloé has met since she left her brothers and sisters.

Meeting another Springer, they are so soft and cute!

We all swapped dogs and once Chloé relaxed a bit she enjoyed all the attention!

Learning to sit for some exceptionally fishy smelling treats, they tasted good though, I know because I tried one!

What with trying to co-ordinate the lead, the treat and the clicker, sitting was much more of a challenge for me than Chloé, she already knew how to sit!

The puppy school is in a pet store, so we were allowed to go out and meet all the small animals!

I thought I saw a wabbit! I did! I did saw a wabbit!

Who cares about rabbits, look at all that pink!

Totally not interested in fish. Which is good because we have fish at home!

She wasn't really interested in the toys either.

Although she did decide she wanted this bone when she saw the Springer with it!

Our trainer is going off on holiday now so we have to wait three whole weeks for the next class! We can go for proper walks in a day though so we have lots to look forward to!

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